Member-only story
Every year during December, I try and go into retrospection mode about everything that happened in the year from the start to the end. I’m sure many of you might do that too and if you’re not among the one’s who don’t I’d request you to please try it. It’s an excellent exercise just to analyse what your year has been, weigh down your choices about the ones that went well and the ones that tanked miserably.
Once you do this little report about yourself either in your head or on a paper, you start seeing things that you did quite well and I can say with conviction that you’d have done a wide variety of things in a particular year that you’d have never done before or picked up the habits that you once had and rejigged them to your present-day life.
2020 has been quite an interesting year with around 6 months spent at home doing practically nothing, but yeah, slowly working towards multiple things be it academics and the other creative avenues that I mentioned in my previous post.
I learnt that I prefer to take my own time to do things that matter to me and don’t rush despite having deadlines and other stuff going around me. I am managing myself pretty well with this approach and so far so good.